Human Keystone

Rewild, Reconnect, Restore

Bringing Humans and Landscapes closer together

Three Pillars

  • Ancient skills

    We firmly believe that it is through learning the skills and lifeways of our ancestors we build ecological and cultural resilience for the future.

    “Even the outermost bud on the furthermost branch is fed by the deepest roots”

  • Land Ecology

    At Human Keystone we teach a deeper understanding of our local ecosystems which helps us understand our place in Nature as well as how to heal fractured Ecosystems.

    “It is not enough to love a place, we must learn its language.”

    Robin Wall Kimmerer

  • Community

    Through learning the skills of our ancestors as well as a deeper knowledge of our current ecosystem we can rekindle our connection to plants, place and people.

    “Community is one of the most effective tool we have to create a resilient future”

What does Human Keystone mean?

Human keystone has a strong focus on Ecology and Habitat restauration wherever possible. We not only teach how to interact with Nature but also how to understand ecosystems and steward them. With this knowledge Humans can become a keystone species playing a positive part in Nature.

“We go out with two baskets, one for taking and one for giving back”

Robin Bowman

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